A Third Birthday Celebration for Three

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Just one of three birthday parties for Ceili's third birthday. I guess that makes sense? 3 birthday parties for the 3 year old. This was the smallest one of all. Unfortunately, schedules didn't align and plans got changed so a tiny party for 3 was had. That's one the downfalls of our family being scattered all over the province. 

I can't believe my little Ceili is three years old. Where does the time go?! How did this happen?! Although I miss her baby goodness, I love seeing her learn and grow. She's so much fun and makes me laugh every day. 

 Yes, that's a cheeseburger birthday cake. She always, always, always wants cheeseburgers and she's not always, always, always allowed to have them obviously. When I saw the cheeseburger cake, I knew it was the one for her. What a delicious cake, too. It didn't last long in our house. 

She was scared of the candles. 

It's hard work being a birthday princess. 

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  1. Awww, I so wish we could have been there :(
    All the photos are sweet, especially the one of Ceili and Alex :)


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