Nothing But Dandelions & Sunshine

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Today was the most beautiful day we have had so far this spring. It was absolutely gorgeous. Ceili and I thought we better take advantage of the nice day so after supper we went for a little walk and then to pick up some pictures we had printed. She is so funny. She would pick a dandelion, concentrate intently, take a deep breath and blow the fluffy things off of the stem, then just throw it away like nothing and on to the next one she goes. This girl cracks me up. 

I should also mention the crown which I almost forgot because it's become such a normal thing for it to be on her head. I bought this for her birthday but accidentally left it out and she found it. This was this past Sunday. The crown has not left her head since. She even sleeps with it. She calls it "My princess crown". 

  I so wish I had my camera with but at very least, I did have my iPhone so capture her sweet little faces.


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